Nov 27, 2010

Ten Things Successful People Know That You Don't

Everybody is a born winner. It is just the matter of fact that many of us have not realize it yet. If you can still read this, it means that you are a winner as you beated million guys before you finally reached the womb. But why not everybody is success in this world? What is the secret? What do extraordinarily successful people know about life that you don’t? Are they just a lot luckier, smarter, or harder working than you? Or is there something inherently different in the way that they approach life that propels them to unimaginable heights? Here, I would like to reveal 10 things that successful people adopt in their life journey. It contains the distilled wisdom from many years of trial and error by some of the most successful people modern society has seen. Some of what you’ll read might surprise you. Get inspired and get going.

Number 1 : You are the CEO of your own life
You are completely responsible for the level of success that you experience personally and professionally. You are equally responsible for the lack thereof. Your success will be defined by the vision you create and the choices that you make to support it. There may be no such thing as “control” in this world, but there certainly is “responsibility.” Take responsibility for your actions, your choices, your future – and watch success unfold.

Number 2 :It is next to impossible to exceed your own expectations

If you want an extraordinary life, you have to set extraordinary expectations. Make extraordinary choices. Do extraordinary things. Henry Ford once said, “If you believe that you can do a thing, or if you believe you cannot, in either case, you are right.” Whatever you expect – of yourself, your career, your relationships, your life – sets the limit of what is possible for you.

Number 3 : When you believe something is impossible, it becomes invisible
The truth is that you don’t begin to know what’s really possible. The list of impossible things proved possible by the will and creativity of the human spirit is ENDLESS. We have walked on the moon. We’ve broken the sound barrier. We’ve outrun the 4-minute mile. We’ve created human babies from single cells in a plastic dish. We’ve compressed millions of bits of information into something the size of a safety pin. Just because you can’t see it with your own eyes doesn’t mean it can’t happen. Possibility is everywhere.

Number 4 : Success has nothing to do with luck
Extraordinarily successful people don’t waste their time wondering IF their dreams will come true someday. They concern themselves rather with HOW they’re going to make them happen. Ask yourself the same question. To get what you most want out of life -- how fearless are you willing to be? How creative are you willing to get? How much are you willing to compromise (or sacrifice)? Extraordinarily successful people didn’t get that way through prayer or luck or pixie dust. They just wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Number 5 : Life gets much easier when you have a clear and personal definition of success

Only you can truly define success for yourself. Your personal definition of success is not subject to the whims of your friends or family, your community or your culture. It’s not seduced or distracted by advertising, and it’s not confusing, arbitrary or vague. It does not define you or box you in. Your personal definition of success frees you to enjoy life completely by releasing you from priorities that are not relevant or meaningful.

If you don’t define success for yourself, rest assured that it will be defined for you. But it probably won’t feel quite as good.

Number 6 : The things we call ‘mistakes’ are life’s greatest learning opportunities

The more mistakes you make, the more you learn. Why is it that children have permission to make mistakes, but as adults we are so ashamed of taking a misstep? Wisdom does not come from never erring. It comes from learning, adapting, and growing as a result of the many bumps along life’s road. It’s one thing to make the same mistake over and over again – but where’s the shame in making new mistakes? Was anything extraordinary ever created on the very first try? Successful people are always making mistakes, because they know that without mistakes there are no successes.

Number 7 : You reap what you sow

The successful person’s definition of insanity: “Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” If something isn’t working for you – if it’s not delivering the intended result – then STOP DOING IT. Try something new. Change your approach. Get creative.

Stop asking ‘why me’ and start asking ‘how can I approach this in a new way?’ You can’t expect to plant oats and get barley. So stop the insanity!

Number 8 : The only ‘wrong’ decision is no decision

Perfection is not your friend. Perfection will keep you spinning your wheels, endlessly ‘refining’ things until… your window of opportunity becomes tightly sealed shut.

WAKE UP! There is no such thing as ‘perfection’. Or… from another vantage point… EVERYTHING is perfect. Either way, make your decision and DO SOMETHING. If the fear of doing something WRONG is what’s paralyzing you… refer to #6 above.

Number 9 : You are what you think

Notice the internal dialogue that’s going on in your head at this very moment. Are you chastising yourself for not being more decisive? For taking the ‘safe route’ or for making the same mistake twice? YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK. Your thoughts create your emotions, which in turn impact behavior. Your behavior over time shapes and molds your LIFE.

Successful people develop their ability to monitor and mediate their own thoughts. They are skilled at noticing their own negative self-talk and systematically replacing it with positive affirmation; with a vision of their success. They refuse to accept limits on their potential. They expect the best – from the world and from others. They take full responsibility for the choices they make and the thoughts they think.

So if you want to be extraordinarily successful, start thinking of yourself that way.

Number 10 : You already have all the answers (you just don’t know it yet)

When was the last time you trusted your instincts? Or followed through on something that was “just a hunch”? Successful people develop an extraordinary capacity for recognizing, trusting and acting on their own intuition. They become highly skilled at tuning in to their inner voice and tuning out the multitude of external and often contradictory influences.

Does this mean they’re always right? No. Nobody is ALWAYS right (don’t tell my husband that). But with each mistake, that sense of intuition becomes more and more finely tuned.

If you’re facing a tough decision or a challenging issue, stop looking to others for advice and answers. Tune into your own inner voice. YOU ALREADY HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS. So listen carefully. There is always one true inner voice. Trust it.

Nov 26, 2010

Top Ten Tools To Live Your Life Well

These proven tools can help you feel stronger and more hopeful.

Tool 1 : Connect with others

Your friend gets your joke. Your co-worker offers congrats. Your spouse hugs you hello. They are all helping you bust stress and boost well-being. In fact, Mental Health America found that 71 percent of people surveyed turned to friends or family in times of stress. Humans are social animals: We crave feeling supported, valued and connected.

Tool 2 : Stay Positive

It's likely our species survived because of our knack for detecting danger. But our worry-filled thoughts can present dangers of their own: Thinking negatively can drag down our moods, our actions and even our health.

Experts say it's worthwhile—and possible—to learn how to think more positively.

Tool 3 : Get Physically Active

The dusty tennis shoes. The gym membership that mostly exercises your wallet. The jump rope coiled at the back of the closet. Lots of us have proof that it can be tough to stick with exercising. Pump up your resolve by considering that exercise can:

•prevent heart disease and high blood pressure
•lower your risk for stroke, osteoporosis, colon cancer and diabetes
• improve your sleep
•increase your energy
•decrease some kinds of pain
•boost your immune system
•help with weight management

Exercise matters for your mood too. Millions of people have found it:-

•decreases stress, anger and tension
•reduces anxiety and depression
•offers a greater sense of well-being

Tool 4 : Help Others

If you lug your elderly neighbor's groceries up her steps, clearly it's good for her. But did you know that it's likely good for you too?

Research indicates that those who consistently help other people experience less depression, greater calm, fewer pains and better health. They may even live longer.

Tool 5 : Get Enough Sleep

Sleep may seem like a waste of time. You could instead be answering e-mail, doing the dishes, repairing the deck or decking the halls. But research shows that you're more likely to succeed at your tasks—and enjoy greater well-being—if you get some serious shuteye.

Of course, it's not easy to sleep when you're feeling overwhelmed. In fact, nearly two-thirds of Americans say they lose sleep because of stress. That's especially unfortunate because sleep combats some of the fallout of stress, and poor sleep has been linked to significant problems, including:

•greater risk of depression and anxiety
•increased risk of heart disease and cancer
•impaired memory
•reduced immune system functioning
•weight gain
•greater likelihood of accidents

Tool 6 : Create Joy and Satisfaction

Do you have tons of items on your to-do list? Well, add one more. It's time to pencil in a little pleasure.

Chances are, you simply deserve some joy and satisfaction. But if you prefer, you can think about the serious side of fun. Experts say good feelings can boost your ability to bounce back from stress, solve problems, think flexibly and even fight disease.

Tool 7 : Eat Well

Mom was right: You've got to eat well to function well. Just in case you didn't gobble up Mom's wisdom, here are some useful tidbits.

Among other benefits, good food can:

•boost your energy
•lower the risk of developing certain diseases
•provide fuel to your brain

In an unhappy twist, good nutrition can help at times of stress, but that's exactly when lots of us tend to eat less well. According to a recent survey nearly half of Americans overeat or eat unhealthy food to cope with stress. In fact, it's not just that we're seeking creamy comfort—our stress hormones actually give us the munchies.

Still, if you follow some reasonable guidelines you may be able to reduce your stress and promote your overall health and well-being.

Tool 8 : Take Care of Your Spirit

Eat your veggies. Get enough rest. Exercise. Those are clear suggestions. But you may be thinking, what in Heaven's name does it mean to "take care of your spirit"?

For lots of people, being spiritual means observing rituals, studying texts and attending religious services, well, religiously. For others, it's not at all about traditional structures or notions of God.

You can think of spirituality as connecting to whatever you consider meaningful and holy. You can find it in God, in yourself, in other people, in nature, art or kindness. Whatever you focus on, spirituality offers many possible benefits, including better mood, less anxiety and depression-and even fewer aches and illnesses.

Tool 9 : Deal Better With Hard Times

At some point in our lives, most of us will face times that are extra stressful or that even shake us to our core. At those times, having strong coping strategies can make a huge difference.

Of course, exercising, focusing on your spiritual life and getting enough rest can be great supports in difficult situations. Other techniques can be particularly useful in dealing with tough times.

Tool 10 : Get Professional Help

If the problems in your life are stopping you from functioning well or feeling good, professional help can make a big difference. And if you're having trouble, know that you are not alone: One in four adults in this country have a mental health problem in any given year. Why wait until you're really suffering? Even if you're not sure that you'd benefit from help, it can't hurt to explore the possibility.

A mental health professional can help you:

•come up with plans for solving problems
•feel stronger in the face of challenges
•change behaviors that hold you back
•look at ways of thinking that affect how you feel
•heal pains from your past
•figure out your goals
•build self-confidence
Most people who seek help feel better. For example, more than 80 percent of people treated for depression improve. Treatment for panic disorders has up to a 90 percent success rate.

Treatment for a mental health issue can include medication and psychotherapy. In some cases, the two work well together.

What, exactly, is psychotherapy? It's a general term that means talking about your problems with a mental health professional. It can take lots of forms, including individual, group, couples and family sessions. Often, people see their therapists once a week for 50 minutes. Depending on your situation, treatment can be fairly short or longer-term.

Some people worry that getting help is a sign of weakness. If you do, consider that it can be a sign of great strength to take steps toward getting your life back on track.

I hope the above 10 tools will help you to keep track of your life in balance. All the best.

A Story of True Love and Acceptance

I would like to share a real love story which touched my heart.

It was a busy morning, approximately 8:30 a.m., when an elderly gentleman in his 80's arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He stated that he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.

I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would to able to see him. I saw him look at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.

While taking care of his wound, we began to engage in conversation. I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife. I then inquired as to her health. He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer' s Disease.

As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now. I was surprised, and asked him, "And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?"

He smiled as he patted my hand and said, "She doesn't know me, but I still know who she is." I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and thought, "That is the kind of love I want in my life."

True love is neither physical, nor romantic. True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.

Nov 25, 2010

A Special Dedication To My Mentor

Today is a sad day for me.

My direct superior or in another term, my mentor who taught me everything that I know today about manufacturing design to management, Mr.[snipped], is leaving current organization after 7.5 years of hardwork and commitment. It might not be big lost to the organization but surely will be a great lost to me as he guided me well through so many downturns. I owe him so much and it is difficult for me to put it into words. Please accept my special thanks and gratitude for all the support and knowlegde you have given me for the past 3.5 years.

My Mentor, My Friend

Thank you for allowing me
the opportunity
to learn from you
when I was seeking so much knowledge
when I was asking many questions
you patiently listened and answered accordingly
never showing signs of frustration

Thank you for taking the time
to show me the necessary skills today
that will lead me with confidence into tomorrow
for believing in me and having enough faith
to share your work
your dreams
and your vision

Thank you for accepting me as I am
with all my eagerness
and my sheer joy over the little things...
you never tried to squelch that spirit in me
Instead, you have encouraged that spirit
and for that, I do thank you

I realized the knowledge I need for work can be learned anywhere,
taught by most anyone
but the life skills I needed that go along with it...
well, that would have to be taught by a very unique individual
with a very special gift for giving
a gift of patience and understanding
that someone is you, my Mentor
and now, my friend

Nov 24, 2010

5 Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires

Who are millionaires ? They’re just like you. But with lots of money. In order to get different result, you need to take different approach. Same action gives same results. Change your mindset to millionaires mindset.

When you think “millionaire,” what image comes to mind? For many of us, it’s a flashy Wall Street banker type who flies a private jet, collects cars and lives the kind of decadent lifestyle that would make Donald Trump proud. But many modern millionaires live in middle-class neighborhoods, work full-time and shop in discount stores like the rest of us. What motivates them isn’t material possessions but the choices that money can bring: “For the rich, it’s not about getting more stuff. It’s about having the freedom to make almost any decision you want,” says T. Harv Eker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Wealth means you can send your child to any school or quit a job you don’t like.

Finally, I would like to reveal the important 5 secrets. Please go through the secrets below and change your attitude towards success.

Secret 1 : Set your sights on where you’re going

Twenty years ago, Jeff Harris hardly seemed on the road to wealth. He was a college dropout who struggled to support his wife, DeAnn, and three kids, working as a grocery store clerk and at a junkyard where he melted scrap metal alongside convicts. “At times we were so broke that we washed our clothes in the bathtub because we couldn’t afford the Laundromat.” Now he’s a 49-year-old investment advisor and multimillionaire in York, South Carolina.

There was one big reason Jeff pulled ahead of the pack: He always knew he’d be rich. The reality is that 80 percent of Americans worth at least $5 million grew up in middle-class or lesser households, just like Jeff.

Wanting to be wealthy is a crucial first step. Says Eker, “The biggest obstacle to wealth is fear. People are afraid to think big, but if you think small, you’ll only achieve small things.”

It all started for Jeff when he met a stockbroker at a Christmas party. “Talking to him, it felt like discovering fire,” he says. “I started reading books about investing during my breaks at the grocery store, and I began putting $25 a month in a mutual fund.” Next he taught a class at a local community college on investing. His students became his first clients, which led to his investment practice. “There were lots of struggles,” says Jeff, “but what got me through it was believing with all my heart that I would succeed.”

Secret 2 : Educate yourself

When Steve Maxwell graduated from college, he had an engineering degree and a high-tech job—but he couldn’t balance his checkbook. “I took one finance class in college but dropped it to go on a ski trip,” says the 45-year-old father of three, who lives in Windsor, Colorado. “I actually had to go to my bank and ask them to teach me how to read my statement.”

One of the biggest obstacles to making money is not understanding it: Thousands of us avoid investing because we just don’t get it. But to make money, you must be financially literate. “It bothered me that I didn’t understand this stuff,” says Steve, “so I read books and magazines about money management and investing, and I asked every financial whiz I knew to explain things to me.”

He and his wife started applying the lessons: They made a point to live below their means. They never bought on impulse, always negotiated better deals (on their cars, cable bills, furniture) and stayed in their home long after they could afford a more expensive one. They also put 20 percent of their annual salary into investments.

Within ten years, they were millionaires, and people were coming to Steve for advice. “Someone would say, ‘I need to refinance my house—what should I do?’ A lot of times, I wouldn’t know the answer, but I’d go find it and learn something in the process,” he says.

In 2003, Steve quit his job to become part owner of a company that holds personal finance seminars for employees of corporations like Wal-Mart. He also started going to real estate investment seminars, and it’s paid off: He now owns $30 million worth of investment properties, including apartment complexes, a shopping mall and a quarry.

“I was an engineer who never thought this life was possible, but all it truly takes is a little self-education,” says Steve. “You can do anything once you understand the basics.”

Secret 3 : Passion pays off

In 1995, Jill Blashack Strahan and her husband were barely making ends meet. Like so many of us, Jill was eager to discover her purpose, so she splurged on a session with a life coach. “When I told her my goal was to make $30,000 a year, she said I was setting the bar too low. I needed to focus on my passion, not on the paycheck.”
Jill, who lives with her son in Alexandria, Minnesota, owned a gift basket company and earned just $15,000 a year. She noticed when she let potential buyers taste the food items, the baskets sold like crazy. Jill thought, Why not sell the food directly to customers in a fun setting?

With $6,000 in savings, a bank loan and a friend’s investment, Jill started packaging gourmet foods in a backyard shed and selling them at taste-testing parties. It wasn’t easy. “I remember sitting outside one day, thinking we were three months behind on our house payment, I had two employees I couldn’t pay, and I ought to get a real job. But then I thought, No, this is your dream. Recommit and get to work.”

She stuck with it, even after her husband died three years later. “I live by the law of abundance, meaning that even when there are challenges in life, I look for the win-win,” she says.

The positive attitude worked: Jill’s backyard company, Tastefully Simple, is now a direct-sales business, with $120 million in sales last year. And Jill was named one of the top 25 female business owners in North America by Fast Company magazine.

According to research by Thomas J. Stanley, author of The Millionaire Mind, over 80 percent of millionaires say they never would have been successful if their vocation wasn’t something they cared about.

Secret 4 : Grow your money

Most of us know the never-ending cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. “The fastest way to get out of that pattern is to make extra money for the specific purpose of reinvesting in yourself,” says Loral Langemeier, author of The Millionaire Maker. In other words, earmark some money for the sole purpose of investing it in a place where it will grow dramatically—like a business or real estate. There are endless ways to make extra money for investing—you just have to be willing to do the work. “Everyone has a marketable skill,” says Langemeier. “When I started out, I had a tutoring business, seeing clients in the morning before work and on my lunch break.”

A little moonlighting cash really can grow into a million. Twenty-five years ago, Rick Sikorski dreamed of owning a personal training business. “I rented a tiny studio where I charged $15 an hour,” he says. When money started trickling in, he squirreled it away instead of spending it, putting it all back into the business. Rick’s 400-square-foot studio is now Fitness Together, a franchise based in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, with more than 360 locations worldwide. And he’s worth over $40 million. When extra money rolls in, it’s easy to think, Now I can buy that new TV. But if you want to get rich, you need to pay yourself first, by putting money where it will work hard for you—whether that’s in your retirement fund, a side business or investments like real estate.

Secret 5 : No guts, no glory (my favourite line)

Last summer, Dave Lindahl footed the bill for 18 relatives at a fancy mansion in the Adirondacks. One night, his dad looked out at the scenery and joked, “I can’t believe we used to call you the black sheep!”

At 29, Dave was broke, living in a small apartment near Boston and wondering what to do after ten years in a local rock band. “I looked around and thought, If I don’t do something, I’ll be stuck here forever.”

He started a landscape company, buying his equipment on credit. When business literally froze over that winter, a banker friend asked if he’d like to renovate a foreclosed home. “I’m a terrible carpenter, but I needed the money, so I went to some free seminars at Home Depot and figured it out as I went,” he says.

After a few more renovations, it occurred to him: Why not buy the homes and sell them for profit? He took a risk and bought his first property. Using the proceeds, he bought another, and another. Twelve years later, he owns apartment buildings, worth $143 million, in eight states.

The biggest secret : Stop Spending

Every millionaire we spoke to has one thing in common: Not a single one spends needlessly. Real estate investor Dave Lindahl drives a Ford Explorer and says his middle-class neighbors would be shocked to learn how much he’s worth. Fitness mogul Rick Sikorski can’t fathom why anyone would buy bottled water. Steve Maxwell, the finance teacher, looked at a $1.5 million home but decided to buy one for half the price because “a house with double the cost wouldn’t give me double the enjoyment.”

I Love My Mom and Dad

This video made me cry. Many of us are still very irresponsible and ignorant when comes to parents hopes and dreams. How many of us had fulfilled parent's dream? Please see this video to reliaze that our old parents is like our children and need love and care as how they gave us when we were small. Many of us had gone through same situation as in the video. Please realize it before it is too late.


This is a true story.

This was narrated by an IAF pilot to IIT students during a Seminar on Human Relations

Venkatesh Balasubramaniam (who works for IIT) describes how his gesture of booking an air ticket for his father, his maiden flight, brought forth a rush of emotions and made him (Venkatesh) realize that how much we all take for granted when it comes to our parents.

My parents left for our native place on Thursday and we went to the airport to see them off. In fact, my father had never travelled by air before, so I just took this opportunity to make him experience the same. In spite of being asked to book tickets by train, I got them tickets on Jet Airways. The moment I handed over the tickets to him, he was surprised to see that I had booked them by air.. The excitement was very apparent on his face, waiting for the time of travel. Just like a school boy, he was preparing himself on that day and we all went to the airport, right from using the trolley for his luggage, the baggage check-in and asking for a window seat and waiting restlessly for the security check-in to happen. He was thoroughly enjoying himself and I, too, was overcome with joy watching him experience all these things.

As they were about to go in for the security check-in, he walked up to me with tears in his eyes and thanked me. He became very emotional and it was not as if I had done something great but the fact that this meant a great deal to him. When he said thanks, I told him there was no need to thank me. But later, thinking about the entire incident, I looked back at my life. As a child, how many dreams our parents have made come true.

Without understanding the financial situation, we ask for cricket bats, dresses, toys, outings, etc. Irrespective of their affordability, they have catered to all our needs. Did we ever think about the sacrifices they had to make to accommodate many of our wishes? Did we ever say thanks for all that they have done for us? Same way, today when it comes to our children, we always think that we should put them in a good school. Regardless of the amount of donation, we will ensure that we will have to give the child the best, theme parks, toys, etc. But we tend to forget that our parents have sacrificed a lot for our sake to see us happy, so it is our responsibility to ensure that their dreams are realized and what they failed to see when they were young. It is our responsibility to ensure that they experience all those and their life is complete.

Many times, when my parents had asked me some questions, I have actually answered back without patience. When my daughter asks me something, I have been very polite in answering. Now I realize how they would have felt at those moments. Let us realize that old age is a second childhood and just as we take care of our children, the same attention and same care needs to be given to our parents and elders. Rather than my dad saying thank you to me, I would want to say sorry for making him wait so long for this small dream. I do realize how much he has sacrificed for my sake and I will do my best to give the best possible attention to all their wishes.

Just because they are old does not mean that they will have to give up everything and keep sacrificing for their grandchildren also. They have wishes, too..


Nov 23, 2010

Self Motivation

In our daily life, what actually lacks is self motivation. Everyday, we are facing a lot problem and issues whereby some could be handled and some being a task. In order to tackle whatever that coming on our way, we need to be motivated all the time. Not only to solve current issues but to venture into new era for our own future. Below is some simple steps on how to keep ourself motivated.

Step 1 : Start Simple

Keep motivators around your work area - things that give you that initial spark to move

Step 2 : Keep Good Circle of Friends

Make more regular encounters with positive and motivated people in daily life. You could do this simply by chatting or FB with friends who like to share ideas on improving the quality of life

Step 3 : Keep Learning

Read more and try to gain more knowledge from sources like motivational books and blogs. The more you learn, the more you gain confident in starting off something

Step 4 : Stay Positive

Always see the good thing in bad situation. When you face hurdles, find a way to overcome those hurdles

Step 5 : Stop Thinking

Just do it. If you find motivation for a particular task is lacking, try getting on something else. Something trivial even, then you will develop the momentum and pace to begin the more important task.

Step 6 : Know Yourself

Always keep notes when your motivation is down and when you feel like super hero. There will definately a pattern on your motivation level. Once you discover this pattern, you can work around and develop your innerself
Step 7 : Track Your Progress

Keep a progress bar for ongoing tasks. When you see something growing, you will always want to nurture it

Step 8 : Help Others

Share your ideas and help your friends to get motivated. Seeing others do well will motivate you to do the same. Write about your success journey and get feedback from readers. This will help you to gradually develop a certain skill that become motivational habits.

If you could only take one step, why need to worry? Just do it. Once you started on something, you will get it going. There will be times when you have to do things that you really don't want to but that's where the other steps and tips from others come in handy.

But the most important things is to JUST GET STARTED. Get that momentum going and when you need to, take a break. No one wants to work for life.

Nov 15, 2010

Secret of Winners

Let's Change

If whatever your are doing now does not give the desired result, keep on doing that for no matter million years, will only give the same result. Expecting different result from same action is PURE STUPIDITY. Be bold to change. Many people are hardworking and giving 101% for many years but still cannot improve their life. Why? Because in this working pyramid, you only make people above you richer. Who work more? CEO or staff? Definitely staff. But who is more richer? Definitely CEO. Even if the staff strive to maximum level, can the staff become richer than CEO? Yes, only if the effort channeled to other source. Connect yourself to right socket. You just need a right connection to establish your future. Don’t do the same thing you been doing for years without result. Change. Change now. Be courage to change. There is no way to become rich without being a entrepreneur. You can work for entire life and have enough savings to secure your life. How about you children’s future? Creating a money pipeline is the best solution for great future. This is fact and nobody can deny it. That is what Thomas Alva Edison did. When he discovered bulb, he told people, this invention is not great until I find a way to market it. That’s when General Electric is born. It has network all over the world. If Thomas did that, why can’t we? Think and act. Don’t wait until you children question your credibility to survive. Change.

Nov 11, 2010

Think and Grow Rich

Leave a legacy not debts to your kids. To born poor is our fate. Do not blame anyone for it. But it is our mistake to leave our sufferings to them. What you have done to secure the future of your children? Ask yourself. Is what you are doing now can secure the future of your children? Have you fulfilled all your parents wishes? Have you saved enough fund for the education of your children? What you have done to repay your parents hardwork and tears to raise you up until to date? Do you have enough fund to pay their medical bills? Don't be selfish and only think of yourself. You will get older and time will come when all your savings become empty and need to depend on others for food if you do not take any action now. Realize yourself. Realize your surroundings. Realize the world that your living in. Don't be ignorant. Look for opportunity to help yourself. Even God will not help those who do not help himself. Wake up and think if what your doing is correct or not? Think whether current track will bring you anywhere near to success. Think and grow rich.