Nov 26, 2010

Top Ten Tools To Live Your Life Well

These proven tools can help you feel stronger and more hopeful.

Tool 1 : Connect with others

Your friend gets your joke. Your co-worker offers congrats. Your spouse hugs you hello. They are all helping you bust stress and boost well-being. In fact, Mental Health America found that 71 percent of people surveyed turned to friends or family in times of stress. Humans are social animals: We crave feeling supported, valued and connected.

Tool 2 : Stay Positive

It's likely our species survived because of our knack for detecting danger. But our worry-filled thoughts can present dangers of their own: Thinking negatively can drag down our moods, our actions and even our health.

Experts say it's worthwhile—and possible—to learn how to think more positively.

Tool 3 : Get Physically Active

The dusty tennis shoes. The gym membership that mostly exercises your wallet. The jump rope coiled at the back of the closet. Lots of us have proof that it can be tough to stick with exercising. Pump up your resolve by considering that exercise can:

•prevent heart disease and high blood pressure
•lower your risk for stroke, osteoporosis, colon cancer and diabetes
• improve your sleep
•increase your energy
•decrease some kinds of pain
•boost your immune system
•help with weight management

Exercise matters for your mood too. Millions of people have found it:-

•decreases stress, anger and tension
•reduces anxiety and depression
•offers a greater sense of well-being

Tool 4 : Help Others

If you lug your elderly neighbor's groceries up her steps, clearly it's good for her. But did you know that it's likely good for you too?

Research indicates that those who consistently help other people experience less depression, greater calm, fewer pains and better health. They may even live longer.

Tool 5 : Get Enough Sleep

Sleep may seem like a waste of time. You could instead be answering e-mail, doing the dishes, repairing the deck or decking the halls. But research shows that you're more likely to succeed at your tasks—and enjoy greater well-being—if you get some serious shuteye.

Of course, it's not easy to sleep when you're feeling overwhelmed. In fact, nearly two-thirds of Americans say they lose sleep because of stress. That's especially unfortunate because sleep combats some of the fallout of stress, and poor sleep has been linked to significant problems, including:

•greater risk of depression and anxiety
•increased risk of heart disease and cancer
•impaired memory
•reduced immune system functioning
•weight gain
•greater likelihood of accidents

Tool 6 : Create Joy and Satisfaction

Do you have tons of items on your to-do list? Well, add one more. It's time to pencil in a little pleasure.

Chances are, you simply deserve some joy and satisfaction. But if you prefer, you can think about the serious side of fun. Experts say good feelings can boost your ability to bounce back from stress, solve problems, think flexibly and even fight disease.

Tool 7 : Eat Well

Mom was right: You've got to eat well to function well. Just in case you didn't gobble up Mom's wisdom, here are some useful tidbits.

Among other benefits, good food can:

•boost your energy
•lower the risk of developing certain diseases
•provide fuel to your brain

In an unhappy twist, good nutrition can help at times of stress, but that's exactly when lots of us tend to eat less well. According to a recent survey nearly half of Americans overeat or eat unhealthy food to cope with stress. In fact, it's not just that we're seeking creamy comfort—our stress hormones actually give us the munchies.

Still, if you follow some reasonable guidelines you may be able to reduce your stress and promote your overall health and well-being.

Tool 8 : Take Care of Your Spirit

Eat your veggies. Get enough rest. Exercise. Those are clear suggestions. But you may be thinking, what in Heaven's name does it mean to "take care of your spirit"?

For lots of people, being spiritual means observing rituals, studying texts and attending religious services, well, religiously. For others, it's not at all about traditional structures or notions of God.

You can think of spirituality as connecting to whatever you consider meaningful and holy. You can find it in God, in yourself, in other people, in nature, art or kindness. Whatever you focus on, spirituality offers many possible benefits, including better mood, less anxiety and depression-and even fewer aches and illnesses.

Tool 9 : Deal Better With Hard Times

At some point in our lives, most of us will face times that are extra stressful or that even shake us to our core. At those times, having strong coping strategies can make a huge difference.

Of course, exercising, focusing on your spiritual life and getting enough rest can be great supports in difficult situations. Other techniques can be particularly useful in dealing with tough times.

Tool 10 : Get Professional Help

If the problems in your life are stopping you from functioning well or feeling good, professional help can make a big difference. And if you're having trouble, know that you are not alone: One in four adults in this country have a mental health problem in any given year. Why wait until you're really suffering? Even if you're not sure that you'd benefit from help, it can't hurt to explore the possibility.

A mental health professional can help you:

•come up with plans for solving problems
•feel stronger in the face of challenges
•change behaviors that hold you back
•look at ways of thinking that affect how you feel
•heal pains from your past
•figure out your goals
•build self-confidence
Most people who seek help feel better. For example, more than 80 percent of people treated for depression improve. Treatment for panic disorders has up to a 90 percent success rate.

Treatment for a mental health issue can include medication and psychotherapy. In some cases, the two work well together.

What, exactly, is psychotherapy? It's a general term that means talking about your problems with a mental health professional. It can take lots of forms, including individual, group, couples and family sessions. Often, people see their therapists once a week for 50 minutes. Depending on your situation, treatment can be fairly short or longer-term.

Some people worry that getting help is a sign of weakness. If you do, consider that it can be a sign of great strength to take steps toward getting your life back on track.

I hope the above 10 tools will help you to keep track of your life in balance. All the best.

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