If whatever your are doing now does not give the desired result, keep on doing that for no matter million years, will only give the same result. Expecting different result from same action is PURE STUPIDITY. Be bold to change. Many people are hardworking and giving 101% for many years but still cannot improve their life. Why? Because in this working pyramid, you only make people above you richer. Who work more? CEO or staff? Definitely staff. But who is more richer? Definitely CEO. Even if the staff strive to maximum level, can the staff become richer than CEO? Yes, only if the effort channeled to other source. Connect yourself to right socket. You just need a right connection to establish your future. Don’t do the same thing you been doing for years without result. Change. Change now. Be courage to change. There is no way to become rich without being a entrepreneur. You can work for entire life and have enough savings to secure your life. How about you children’s future? Creating a money pipeline is the best solution for great future. This is fact and nobody can deny it. That is what Thomas Alva Edison did. When he discovered bulb, he told people, this invention is not great until I find a way to market it. That’s when General Electric is born. It has network all over the world. If Thomas did that, why can’t we? Think and act. Don’t wait until you children question your credibility to survive. Change.
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