In order to be achievers, self confidence is very essential. Self confident is believing in your action without any doubt and convinced that the action will give positive outcome no matter what. This is a very important self development stage in every human being. Many people start doing something or taking action on some matter without self confident thus resulting in failure and negative impact. This self confident is something hidden in yourself and will only reveal itself at the moment whereby you need to take a decision. A decision taken without self confident normally will give you a minimum chance of victory even though the action is carefully planned. A cake will never complete without icing. Everybody can make a cake but only those who can make cake with very good icing is considered a good baker. Your action is like the cake. Your confident is like the icing. Please make sure all your action comes with self confidence to get the desired output. Normally, you think many times to do something, example venturing into a business, sitting for an exam, buying a car, choosing a career and so on. But are you assured that the choice that you make going to give you what you want? Many of us cannot be sure the output of our action but we believe somehow it will fulfill our desire. That is called self-confident. Self-confident should come with some analysis, and then it is worth going for it. If the analysis showing a negative sign, then the self-confident is not sufficient to take the action. If the analysis is showing the positive sign, then you proceed with the actions with high level of self confident. If you believe in yourself, believe that you can make changes in your life, believe that you can change other’s life, and then trust in yourself to do what you want to do. Definitely it will give a very positive result. But if you fail in any of the actions you took, don’t let the fire of your confidence to fade. It should not fade. Actions can be renewed but self confident is something difficult to renew. Once you lose it, it might take ages to get it back. Once there was a great saint who said, “Come with me, I will show you the way to eternity”. So, keep looking for the ‘saint’ and start trailing his footstep. In current global situation, you must look for the achievers, follow their footsteps with full of self confident and I am sure, you will achieve what other’s are achieving now. Be confident.
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